Scale Passion Purpose
Help us subtitle our upcoming book Scale Passion, devoted to helping change-the-world leaders scale their purpose. This book is for you, so help us name it.
Horror Story or Comedy? The Choice is Yours
We all make up stories, but sometimes these stories erect barriers to clear thinking and effective leadership. Learn to separate story from fact and reduce drama and fear.
Get a Rolling Start to the New Year
If the New Year welcomed you with a wallop of overwhelming projects and little time to achieve them, you may benefit from taking 20 minutes to do a short daily ritual I use to clear my head and get energized for the day ahead.
During Ups and Downs, Focus on the Plan, not the Goal
Your plan’s the thing that gets you to your desired outcome, not shifting your expected outcome.
Learning To Let Go
Knowing when and how to empower your team is the founder's chief task during corporate adolescence. Here are some tips for taking this big step.
When You Have to Fire a Friend
Letting a friend go is never easy, but you will emerge stronger—and so will your friend—if you maintain your presence of mind and consider these tips.
Are You Ready to Give Your Company Room to Grow?
You need to understand that what got you to where you are today absolutely will not get you where you want to go tomorrow.
How to Get Your Business Through Adolescence
You have a challenge before you: you need to understand that what got you to where you are today absolutely, positively will not get you where you want to go tomorrow.
Is Fear Interfering with Your Strategy?
So, you’re having a hard time letting go of the control you held over your company — the control that worked very well in turning an idea into a viable and fast-growing business?
ScalePassion Partners with Former Navy Officer and McKinsey Consultant Tim Berthold
An expert in building self-managing teams, Tim offers help to founders in connecting the dots between strategy and execution.
The Key to Leadership Transition is Collaboration
Congratulations! The secret is to keep breathing and onboard your replacement with a minimum of drama and a maximum of collaborative goodwill.