Why the Future Belongs to Purpose-Driven Businesses (Video)

I had a chance to sit down and have a Zoom conversation with the founder of Conscious Brands Rob Sinclair. I’m excited to share it with you because it offers an excellent introduction not only to Findaway Adventures, the company I co-founded with Brian Gonsalves and Chris Marantette, but also Conscious Brands. Watch the video.

Rob’s Calgary-based company serves companies throughout Canada and the U.S. that want to up their game as purpose-driven organizations. They offer The Conscious Brands® Assessment Tool that assesses organizations against the Six Pillars based on answers to a survey. They also offer workshops that help companies cultivate transparency, awareness and measurement around purpose, while driving growth through brand trust.

In 2020, the company reached a milestone when it served its thousandth brand.  

The conversation also introduces you to Findaway Adventures’ mission and philosophy, especially the discipline of conscious leadership that has figured prominently in my development as a leader and as a tool I use with the fast-growth companies we work with at Findaway.

If you’ve got 30 minutes, fix yourself a beverage and enjoy the conversation in which you’ll learn: 

—Why entrepreneurs are especially well-positioned to use their platforms and voices to make an impact.

—What fundamental mindset all great impact leaders have. 

—The one quality all Findaway Adventures investments demonstrate in spades.

—Why it’s better to be curious than right.

—Understanding the difference between zones of excellence and genius.

Rob and I also go fairly deep on the state of the world in the age of social media and the role entrepreneurs can play in replacing unproductive (if understandable) fear with a focus on your passion and purpose. Want to enjoy better companyCheck it out!


Rob Craven, scalepassion

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All credit to my ghostwriting partner, Dave Moore, who is instrumental in getting my thoughts out in a coherent manner & into these blogs. Thanks Dave!


Founders Must Balance Objectives and Resources